Foldable 12mm Multi-Purpose Fitness Yoga Mat

SKU : cv5hpbvl3ikg00c03980


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 It's 2x thicker than the average yoga mat, making it extra supportive and comfortable.

  Unique foldable design means it doubles as a step stool, yoga block, meditation seat and more.



  • YOGA MAT REDEFINED: The original Stakt Mat is a 2-in-1, foldable fitness mat designed for greater support, versatility and convenience as you move. It’s 2x thicker than the average yoga mat, making it extra supportive and comfortable. Stakt’s unique foldable design means it doubles as a step stool, yoga block, meditation seat and more.
  • PORTABILITY: Our fan favorite yoga mat is twice as thick, yet ultra lightweight. Perfect for on-the-go workouts at the studio, or long weekend retreats. Our hybrid fitness mat is made from premium materials compared to traditional PVC yoga mats. The Stakt mat is 12 mm when laid flat and weighs only 3 lbs, making it perfectly portable.
  • PERFECTLY GIFTABLE: This versatile exercise and yoga mat is a great gift for women and men. It’s available in a variety of colors, to match everyone’s style.
  • PATENTED DESIGN: Officially patented design (Patent No. US D1,050,762 S) measuring at 69″ x 24″ flat, 24″ x 3″ x 12″ folded, and 3 lbs for portability and storage.
  • CARE: We recommend using the Stakt Cleanser Spray. Otherwise, using a hand towel, wipe down with warm water and oil-free soap. Please do not leave your mat outdoors for extended periods of time. Check our care card for more information.

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United States


Tide, Terracotta, Seafoam, Rosewater, Moss, Iron, Dune


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